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Every year Science in Human Culture sponsors the Klopsteg lecture series, bringing 10 to 15 scholars to campus whose research deepens public understanding of science and generates robust exchanges across disciplinary and departmental lines. SHC also coordinates a doctoral colloquium that meets three times each quarter, allowing its graduate affiliates a chance to share work and ideas with their peers and faculty. In 2012 and 2015, SHC sponsored ground-breaking conferences for scholars working on science studies in Midwestern universities and colleges.


Dagmar Schäfer - "Chinese Technology"

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM, sponsored by Science in Human Culture Program - Klopsteg Lecture Series

Speaker Dagmar Schäfer - History, Max Planck Institute Title Chinese Technology Abstract TBD Biography Honorary Professor in History of Technology at Technische Universität Berlin, and Associate Professor...


James E. Dobson - "Neural Network Computing Before GPU's"

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM, sponsored by Science in Human Culture Program - Klopsteg Lecture Series

Speaker James E. Dobson - English, Dartmouth University Title "Neural Network Computing Before GPU's" Abstract High-speed, high-memory, multicore graphics processing units such as those sold...