Katharine Anderson - Graduate Affiliate
Ph.D., History - 1995
Advisor: Harold Perkin
Ph.D., History - 1995
Advisor: Harold Perkin
Ph.D., History - 1999
Advisor: Ed Muir
Field: Early Modern European, Environment, Published book based upon Dissertation: A Forest on the Sea: Environmental Expertise in Renaissance Venice, Prizes: Herbert Baxter Adams Prize AHA, Weyerhaeuser Prize for Best Book in Conversation History, Delmas Prize for Best Book in Venetian Studies, Current Position: Associate Professor, History, New York University
Ph.D., History - 2023
Advisor: Helen Tilley
Ph.D., History - 2020
Advisor: Ken Alder
Dissertation: “World Processors: Computer Simulation, the Limits to Growth, and the Birth of Sustainable Development", Education: M.A., History, B.A., History and Political Science, Georgia State University, Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Computer Science Department, Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society, University of California-Berkeley (2019-21)
Ph.D., Sociology - 2018
Advisor: Ann Orloff
Fields: Gender, Sexuality & Reproduction and Science, Technology, Health & Medicine, Dissertation: Communicating Contraception: Social Science and the Politics of Population Control in Cold War India, Grant: Buffett Institute for Global Studies, Education: M.A., Sociology, Northwestern University, B.A., Sociology, Colby College, Current Position: Assistant Professor, Sociology, Loyola University
Ph.D., History - 2011
Advisors: Edward Muir and Ken Alder
Field: Early Modern Italian Culture and Cartography, Published book based upon Dissertation: Worldly Consumers: The Demand for Maps in Renaissance Italy, Former Position: Tenured Associate Professor, History, University of Louisville, Current Position: Writer, Historial Novelist
Ph.D., History - 2011
Advisor: Ethan Shagan
Field: Early Modern British Environmental History, Book published based upon Dissertation: The Smoke of London: Energy and Environment in the Early Modern City, Prizes: Whitfield Prize from The Royal Historical Society 2017; John Ben Snow Prize in History from the North American Conference on British Studies; The Turku Prize in Environmental History from the European Society for Environmental History, Current Position: Assistant Professor, History, St. Thomas University
Ph.D., History - 2013
Advisor: Alex Owen
Field: Modern British History, History of Human Sciences, Book to be published based upon Dissertation: "The Psychiatric Family: How Private Life Became Political in Welfare-State Britain (in press Chicago, 2020), Current Position: Assistant Professor, History, University of Illinois-Urbana, Champaign
Ph.D., - 2024 - Communications
Advisors: Claudio Benzecry and Dilip Gaonkar
Dissertation: "Inventing Technologies of Consequence: Open-Source Software and the Politics of Techoscientific Innovation in Brazil", Education: M.A., Media, Culture, and Communication, New York University, B.A., Communication and International Studies, University of California San Diego
Ph.D., Screen Cultures - 2016
Advisor: Scott Curtis
Fields: Mid-Century Film & Television, Exhibition History, Dissertation: "The Rigged House: Gimmicky, Exhibition, and Embodies Spectatorship in Mid-Century American Movie-Going", Education: M.A., Screen Cultures, Northwestern University, B.A., Film, Television, Theater & Gender Studies, University of Notre Dame, Current Position: Assistant Professor of Practice at Rutgers University, Newark
Ph.D., English - 2021
Advisor: Harris Feinsod
Field: 20th- and 21st-Century American Literature; African American, Asian American, and Latinx Literatures; Critical Race and Ethnic Studies; Poetry and Poetics; Digital Media; Data Science; Critical Prison Studies, Dissertation: Ink, Wave, Signal, Code: Multiethnic American Poetry's Media Ecologies After 1965, Current Position: Harvard College Fellow
Ph.D., History - 2022
Advisor: Deborah Cohen
Dissertation: "Queer Europe: Gay Liberation Between Market and Movement", Education: B.A., History & Literature, Tel Aviv University, Israel, Current Position: Public Service Fellow Chabraja Center for Historical Studies Northwestern University
Ph.D., History - 2018
Advisor: Ken Alder
Ph.D., Sociology - 2015
Advisor: Carol Heimer
Ph.D., History - 2023
Advisors: Peter J. Carroll and Melissa Macauley
Dissertation: "Science and Security: Constructing the Modern Chinese Citizen, 1900-1966", Education: BA History, Philosophy, University of Hong Kong and MSt, Global and Imperial History, Oxford University.
Ph.D., African American Studies - 2019
Advisor: Michelle Wright
Fields: Black Feminist Theory, Environmental Thought, Dissertation: "Repurposing Queens: Excavating a Black Feminist Eco-Ethic in a Time of Ecological Peril", Education: M.A., African American Studies, Northwestern University, M.A., American Studies, Purdue University, B.A., Women's Studies, Barnard College, Current Position: Assistant Professor of English, Cornell University
Ph.D., History - 1999
Advisor: Ken Alder
Field: European Social History and Technology, Book published based upon Dissertation: In Gold We Trust: Social Capital and Economic Change in the Italian Jewelry Towns, Prize: 1993 Romani Prize, Current Position: Professor, Department of History, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Ph.D., Anthropology - 2022
Advisor: Rebecca Seligman
Dissertation: "An Uncertain Prognosis: Critical Care in Critical Times in Argentina", Education: BS and MA in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Bologna, Italy, Current Position: Researcher on the Health and Data Teams at the Data and Society Research Institute.
Ph.D., Sociology - 1999
Advisor: Carol Heimer
Ph.D., School of Communications - 2012
Advisors: Sam Weber and Ken Alder
Field: History of the Information Sciences, Dissertation: "The Cybernetic Apparatus: Media, Liberalism, and the Reform of Human Sciences", Fellowship: Research Fellowship, Institute for Cultural History and Theory, Humboldt University of Berlin (2011-16), Current Position: Senior Lecturer, History and Theory of Digital Media, Kings College, London
Ph.D., Sociology 2019
Advisor: Carol Heimer
Field: Sociology of knowledge, addiction, sociology of health and illness, and organizations and institutions, Dissertation: Discipline and Empower: "Doing Something" about Addiction in Mexico City, Current Position: Data Strategist, Institute for Non-Violence
Ph.D., History - 2011
Advisors: Alexandra Owen and Ken Alder
Field: Modern British and Colonial Medicine, Dissertation: “Colonial Health and the Responsibilities of Empire: Great Britain, American Philanthropy, and the Problem of ‘Improvement’ in the Early Twentieth-Century British West Indies", Current Position: Associate Director and Earl S. Johnson Instructor, Masters of Arts Program in the Social Sciences, University of Chicago
Ph.D., History - 2021
Advisors: Susan Pearson and Lydia Barnett
Dissertation: "‘The Indians Say’: Settler Colonialism and the Scientific Study of North America, 1722 to 1848" Education: BFA School of the Art Institute of Chicago, MA in Museum Studies, University of Florida. Current Position: Dibner Research Fellow in the History of Sciece and Technology at the Huntington Library in California.
Ph.D., History - 1995
Advisor: Betty Jo Dobbs
Field: Early Modern European History of Science, Dissertation: “The Architect in the Alembic: Chemistry, Neoplatonism, and Religion in Seventeenth Century English Generation Theory”, Current Position: History and Social Science Faculty, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Ph.D., Anthropology - 2020
Advisors: Christopher Kuzawa, Thomas McDade
Field: human biology, global mental health, developmental origins of health and disease, cross-cultural psychiatry and critical medical anthropology, Dissertation: Biological memories of apartheid: Intergenerational effects of apartheid-based trauma on birth outcomes, stress physiology, and mental health in Soweto, South Africa, Eduation: B.S. in Anthropology & Human Biology, Emory University
Ph.D., Sociology - 2018
Advisor: Leslie McCall and Robert Nelson
Ph.D., History - 2013
Advisor: Robert Lerner
Fields: Medieval Germany and Medical/Mental History, Dissertation: "Out of Their Minds: Madness, Medicine and Society in Late Medieval Germany", Current Position: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, History, South Florida University
Ph.D., Anthropology - 2023
Advisor: William Leonard
Ph.D., Sociology - 2015
Advisor: Steven Epstein
Fields: Science and Technology studies; Sociology of Law; Social Movements, Dissertation:"Human Rights and the Warming World: Knowing Change as a Socio-Legal Problem", Current Position: Climate Policy Associate, Stockholm Environment Institute
Ph.D., Media, Technology & Society - 2012
Advisor: Wendy Griswold
Field: Communication Sudies, History of Technology, Dissertation: "Print Matters: Collecting Physical Books in a Digital Age", Current Position: Director and Associate Professor of Instruction at The Cook Family Writing Program and Assistant Director of The Writing Place, Northwestern University
Ph.D., Art History - 2021
Advisor: Stephen F. Eisenman
Ph.D., History - 2009
Advisor: Ken Alder
Field: Eighteenth-Century Atlantic Science, Dissertation: “The Sciences Are Never at War?: The Scientific Republic of Letters in the Era of the French Revolution, 1789-1815", Prize: 2003 Romani Prize; Grant: NSF Dissertation Research Grant, Current Position: Science Policy Analyst, NSF Board of Overseers
Ph.D., Sociology - 2013
Advisor: Wendy Espeland
Field: Sociology of Culture, Dissertation: "Sometimes Less Is More: The Development and Effects of Evaluative Cultures", Education: M.A., Northwestern University, B.A. Connecticut College, Current Position: Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of Central Arkansas
Ph.D., Sociology - 2016
Advisor: Wendy Griswold
Ph.D., History - 2022
Advisor: Deborah Cohen
Ph.D., Sociology - 2018
Advisor: Steven Epstein
Field: Medicine, Race & Social Identity, Dissertation: "Looking Good: Race and Cosmetic Surgery in Transnational Perspective", Grant: NSF Section of Science, Technology & Society (2016), Education: M.A., Sociology, Northwestern University, B.A., Biological Sciences, Cornell University, Current Position: Assistant Professor of Sociology, Yale University
Ph.D., Sociology - 2019
Advisor: Jeremy Freese
Ph.D., Sociology - 2018
Advisor: Steven Epstein
Ph.D., Sociology/MORS - 2019
Advisor: Brayden King
Ph.D., Political Science - 2019
Advisor: Mary Dietz
Field: Political Theory and Science Studies, Dissertation: "Truth in the Milieu of Politics: Knowledge, Authority and Democratic Freedom", Grants: The International Center for the Humanities (2017-8), UCSB, Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Thinking Matters Program, Stanford University
Ph.D., History - 2005
Advisor: T.W. Heyck and Ken Alder
Field: Modern British Culture and Science, Published book based upon Dissertation: "The Two-Cultures Controversy: Science, Literature, and Cultural Politics in Postwar Britain", Fellowships: British Union Fellowship, de Karman Fellowship, Northwestern University Presidential Fellowship, Current Position: Professor of History and MA Director of Graduate Studies at New York University
Ph.D., Sociology - 2017
Advisor: Steven Epstein
Fields: Science and Technology Studies; Sociology of Medicine; Gender Studies, Dissertation: "Too Much of a Good Thing: Risk Perception and Practice Variation in Contemporary American Childbirth", Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow in Advanced Biomedical Ethics, Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, University of Pennsylvania
Ph.D., History - 2015
Advisor: Ken Alder
Ph.D., Media, Technology & Society - 2013
Advisor: Jennifer Light
Field: History of Technology and Communication Studies, Dissertation: "Signal and Switch: A Cultural History of the Push-Button Interface", Book: Power Button: A History of Pleasure, Panic and the Politics of Pushing, Current Position: Assistant Professor, Communication Studies Department, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
Ph.D., Sociology - 2015
Advisor: Jeremy Freese
Ph.D., History - 2022
Advisor: Paul Gillingham
Ph.D., Anthropology - 2024
Advisor: Adia Benton
Dissertation:"Mobile Confinement: Criminal Justice Reform, Community Supervision, and Carceral Transformations in Milwaukee, Wisconsin", Education: Master of Applied Anthropology from the University of Maryland, Current Position: ACLS Leading Edge Fellow/Policy Analyst at the Center for Law and Social Policy.
Ph.D., Sociology - 2020
Advisor: Steve Epstein
Field: Science, Knowledge & Technology, Dissertation: Controlling the Field: Experimental Social Science and Politics of Evidence in International Development, Fellowship: Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University, Department of Science & Technology Studies, 2020-21, working on the NSF-funded Comparative Covid Response: Crisis, Knowledge, Policy (CompCoRe) project, led by Steve Hilgartner (Cornell University) and Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard Kennedy School).
Ph.D., History - 2011
Advisor: Sarah Maza and Ken Alder
Field: French Enlightenment and Science, Published book based upon Dissertation: Living Proof: Intellectual Families and Knowledge Making in Enlightenment France, Fellowships: Jacob K. Javits Fellowship-Department of Education, Millstone Fellowship-Western Society for French History, Presidental Fellowship-Northwestern University, Current Position: Associate Professor at Bowdoin College
Ph.D., Theater and Drama - 2016
Advisor: Tracy Davis and Ken Alder
Field: Victorian Magic and Science, Dissertation: "Technological Wonder: The Theatrical Fashioning of Scientific Knowledge, 1780-1905", Grants Received: SSRC, NSF, American Society for Theater Research, Current Postition: Assistant Professor in Performance and Theater Studies, Stanford University
Ph.D., Art History - 2021
Advisor: Hannah Feldman
Field: Modern and contemporary art with a special focus on the intersections of art, technology, and knowledge production, Dissertation: Machine-Eyed Modern: Art, Science, and Visual Experience in Early Cold War America, Current Position: University of Chicago, Postdoctoral Researcher
Ph.D., Media, Technology and Society - 2014
Advisor: Pablo Boczkowski
Published book based upon Dissertation: Networked Selves: The Trajectories of Blogging in the United States and France, Education: M.Sc., Communication Studies, University of Montreal, Current Position: Professor of Communication Studies, University of Costa Rica
Ph.D., History - 2007
Advisor: T.W. Heyck and Ken Alder
Field: Modern Britain, History of Science, Dissertation: "The Waste Land, Middle Earth, and the Morris Mini: Mythic Thinking and Modernity in Twentieth-Century Britain", Current Position: Assistant Professor of European History, School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University, Japan
Ph.D., English - 2024
Advisor: Julia Stern
Ph.D., History - 2003
Advisor: Ken Alder
Field: Twentieth-Century American Technology, Dissertation: “Launching a Thousand Ships: Entrepreneurs, War Workers, and the State in American Shipbuilding, 1940-1945", Prize: Romani Prize (1998), Current Position: Associate Dicrector of Coporate and Foundation Relations, Carleton College
Ph.D., Sociology - 2022
Advisor: Carol Heimer
Dissertation: “Prosecuting Prisoners: Criminalization of Incarcerated People in an Era of Psychiatric Deinstitutionalization", Education: BA Wesleyan University, Current Poistion: Law Clerk to Senior Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
Ph.D., Sociology - 2018
Advisor: Hector Carrillo
Field: Sociology, Dissertation: "Ruling Sexuality: Law, Expertise, and the Making of Sexual Knowledge", Education: M.A., Sociology and B.S., Finance, University of Kansas, Fellowships: Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California-Irvine (2018-19), Center for Legal Studies, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, Northwestern University (2019-present)
Ph.D., History - 2011
Advisor: Timothy Breen
Field: Early America, History of Medicine, Dissertation: “The Contagion of Liberty: Medicine, Class, and Popular Politics in the American Revolution", Current Position: Assistant Professor, History, Marietta College
Ph.D., Sociology - 2024
Advisor: Carol Heimer
Ph.D., Sociology - 2014
Advisor: Charles Camic
Ph.D., History - 2022
Advisor: Peter J. Carroll
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology - 2018
Advisor: Robin Nusslock
Ph.D., Sociology - 2020
Advisor: Jeremy Freese
Dissertation: “From the History of Network Visualization, Indicators of Interdisciplinarity, to the Career of Metaphor: Formal & Computational Methods & Illumination of Patterns Otherwise Unknowable." Education: BA Sociology, BS Genetics, UC Berkeley. Current Position: Fellow, SESP, Northwestern University.