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Post-Doctoral Fellowships

We will begin accepting applications in late Fall 2024 for the next postdoctoral fellowship (2025-27). Below are the requirements from our previous search, to be used as a helpful resource until then.

The Science in Human Culture Program (SHC) at Northwestern University invites applications for two-year postdoctoral fellowships in the contextual study of science, technology, or medicine, to run September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2025.

Applications are welcome from scholars who study science, technology, or medicine in any region of the world and from any of a range of historical, philosophical, sociological, anthropological, or literary perspectives. Each Fellow will be affiliated with the SHC program and an appropriate disciplinary department in Weinberg College (History, Sociology, Philosophy, Anthropology, etc.). Fellows will pursue a program of independent scholarship under the guidance of a faculty mentor identified after selection.

They will also design and teach two undergraduate courses each year, over the course of the three-quarter-long teaching year. Typically these will be one seminar and one lecture course to be listed by the affiliated departments. Fellows will also help organize and run the SHC visiting lecturer series. They are expected to be active participants in intellectual activities in both SHC and their affiliated departments and to deliver one public lecture each year.

Applicants with a Ph.D. (or equivalent doctoral degree) must have completed their degree after September 1, 2018. Applicants without a Ph.D. (or equivalent doctoral degree) must complete all the requirements for the degree before September 1, 2023. At time of application, the applicant must be available for the full two-year term. The annual stipend  will be in the environs of $60,000. In addition, the Fellow is eligible for $3,500 per year to fund research and conference travel, and up to $1,500 for allowable relocation expenses in the first year. This is a full-time, benefits-eligible position.

To ensure full consideration, all application materials must be received before December 12, 2022. Letters of recommendation are due no later than December 12, 2022, 11:59pm. Because your references will not receive submission instructions until you submit your completed application, we recommend that you submit your application well before the deadline.

Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and does not discriminate against qualified individuals on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, parental status, marital status, age, disability, citizenship status, veteran status, genetic information, or any other protected class. Individuals from all diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States. For more information, please see the University’s policy on Discrimination and Harassment at:

  1. Applications will only be accepted through the online portal. Please make sure all documents are prepared in advance, as partial applications cannot be accepted and are not saved. Also, please be sure all information is entered completely and accurately (especially names and email addresses), as online revisions cannot be made once the application has been accepted. 
  2. All uploaded files should be in Adobe PDF format. Files in another electronic format (e.g., MS Word) should be saved or "printed to" PDF format before uploading. Paper versions of a particular document should be scanned and saved as a PDF. However, the first method is preferred, because it retains text recognition capabilities. 
  3. Two names and email addresses for external references are required, three maximum. One letter should be from your dissertation chair. It is helpful if at least one letter comments specifically on your teaching experience and abilities. If you have not defended and submitted your dissertation yet, please advise your chair that their letter must specifically discuss what work remains to be completed and when you will complete all the requirements to receive your degree. 
  4. The following materials are all required:
  1. After you submit your complete online application, your references will automatically be emailed instructions for uploading a letter of recommendation. If you are using a professional placement or dossier service (e.g., Interfolio) to submit recommendations, please use the service's address instead of your reference's address in the appropriate space. Once again, please be sure all addresses are entered correctly with no spelling errors, otherwise your reference or dossier service will not receive the instructions.
  2. Some things to remember when uploading your application documents:
  1. When you have assembled all your PDF files and are ready with your list of references, you may proceed to the Online Application. All required fields must be filled in before you click on the "Submit Application" button. The system will not accept incomplete applications. Applications that are complete by December 2, 2022, will be ensured full consideration. References will be accepted through December 9, 2022. You will receive an email confirmation after your application has been received.



Q: I am a foreign student. Will Northwestern provide a visa? 

A: International scholars are eligible to apply for the postdoctoral fellowship. For more information, see:

Q: I plan to do field research away from the Chicago area. Will that be a problem? 

A: Postdocs are generally expected to be in residence and full participants in the scholarly community during the nine-month academic year (late September through mid-June), with the exception of the winter and spring breaks. Short trips to conduct research, attend conferences, give talks, etc., are normal and are typically scheduled so as not to conflict with teaching or other important responsibilities.

Q: I received my degree x years ago. Do I still qualify? 

A: As stated above, you must have completed your Ph.D. (or equivalent doctoral degree) after September 1, 2018 in order to be eligible.

Q: If I am offered a postdoc, may I defer for a year or postpone the start date?

A: No postponements or deferrals are permitted.

Q: I received my Ph.D. from Northwestern. Am I still eligible to apply?

A: Northwestern Ph.D.’s are eligible to apply but will be given a lower priority in our consideration.