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Klopsteg Interviews

The Klopsteg Lectures are a series of talks at Northwestern University intended to spur discussion of important issues in science, technology, and medicine. Each Klopsteg Lecture features a leading social-science or humanities scholar, typically from outside of the Northwestern community, who presents a recent research project, answers questions from the audience, and receives feedback on their work. Klopsteg Lectures are free and open to the public, and they attract a diverse audience of undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, professors, and local science enthusiasts. The Klopsteg Lectures are generously supported by the Klopsteg Fund

The Klopsteg Interviews are a series of discussions between visiting Klopsteg speakers and Northwestern doctoral students. The focus of these discussions is the research presented by the speaker in their recent Klopsteg Lecture. Interviewees are asked about the motivations behind their work, their most significant findings, and the implications of their scholarship for broader issues in science, technology, and medicine. These conversations, held in clear, accessible language, are then lightly edited for clarity and published here on the Science in Human Culture program's website.  

The primary goal of the Klopsteg Interviews is to help readers unable to attend Klopsteg Lectures in person join in the interesting and important conversations fostered by the lecture series and the Science in Human Culture Doctoral Colloquium.