Sokhieng Au
Advisor: Ken Alder
Advisor: Ken Alder
Advisor: David Joravsky
2019 - 2021
Advisor: Ken Alder
Sarah Carson (Ph.D. September 2019, Princeton University) is a historian of modern South Asia studying the intersections between forecasting technologies, weather reasonings, and state-society relations. She is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor in the History Department of Northwestern University.
Advisor: Steve Epstein
Advisor: Ken Alder
Advisor: Ken Alder
Advisors: Mary Weismantel and Helen Tilley
Stefanie Graeter (M.A., Ph.D., Anthropology, University of California-Davis) is an assistant professor of Latin American Health and Anthropology at the University of Arizona. She was awarded a one-year postdoctoral fellowship to work with Kim Fortun at UC-Irvine and is advancing the publication of her book manuscript Mineral Incorporations, which analyzes the science, ethics, and politics of toxic exposure in Peru and the emergent potentials for making life within worlds of extractive capitalism. Graeter has published her research in Cultural Anthropology and E-misférica and links to her articles, interviews, forthcoming publications, photo and video work can be found on her website
Advisor: Ken Alder
Advisor: Helen Tilley
Julia Hobart (M.A., Ph.D., Food Studies, New York University), is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Native Studies at Columbia University Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race. Her research is broadly concerned with Indigenous foodways, Pacific Island studies, settler colonialism, urban infrastructure, and the performance of taste. Hobart is interested in how personal and political investments in coldness facilitate particular ideas about race, belonging, comfort and leisure in the Pacific.
Advisor: Ken Alder
Advisor: Ken Alder
Advisors: John Bushnell and Helen Tilley
Advisors: Ken Alder and Jon Glassman
Advisor: Daniel Immerwahr
Tess Lanzarotta (Ph.D., Yale University, 2018) is an Assistant Professor at Denison University and historian whose research is at the intersection of the history of science and medicine, Indigenous history, and science and technology studies. Before coming to Northwestern, she was a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellow at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. Her work has been supported by the National Science Foundation, Social Science Research Council, and the Consortium for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine.
Advisor: David Jarovsky
Advisor: Ken Alder
Advisor: Ken Alder
Fredrik Meiton (Ph.D., History, New York University) is an Assistant Professor of history at the University of New Hampshire. He's a historian of the Modern Middle East and studies the intersection of politics, science and the environment, especially in the context of colonial delvelopment. He teaches courses in the global history of science and technology with a focus on the politics of energy. Meiton wrote Electrical Palestine: Capital and Technology from Empire to Nation based upon his research as a postdoctoral fellow.
Advisor: Steven Epstein
Santiago J. Molina (he/they) obtained his PhD from the University of California-Berkeley in August 2021 in the department of Sociology with a designated emphasis in Science, Technology and Society. Their work sits at the intersections of STS, political sociology, sociology of racial and ethnic relations, and bioethics. On a theoretical level, Santiago’s work concerns the deeply entangled relationship between the production of knowledge and the production of social order.
Advisor: Ken Alder
Advisor: Bruce Carruthers
Advisor: Steve Epstein
Advisors: Carol Heimer and Ken Alder
Advisor: Ken Alder
Lukas Rieppel (Ph.D., History of Science, Harvard) is an Associate Professor of History at Brown University. Rieppel's book was pursued during his fellowship at Northwestern "Assembling the Dinosaur: Fossil Hunters, Tycoons and the Making of a Spectacle" and was published by Harvard University Press in June 2019.
Advisor: Ken Alder
Advisor: Ken Alder
Advisor: Ken Alder
Advisor: Ken Alder
Advisor: Chas Camic
Advisors: Helen Tilley and Ken Alder
Advisor: Ken Alder
Advisor: Steven Epstein