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Congratulations to Graduate Affiliates

October 4, 2017

Kevin Baker (PhD candidate, History) has accepted a dissertation fellowship from the Consortium for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Philadelphia for 2017-18. He was also selected to receive the Breen Fellowship for 2018-19 from the Chabraja Center for Historical Research, allowing him to complete his dissertation on the history of global environmentalism, computer processing, and sustainable development in the 1960s and ‘70s.

Alka Menon (PhD candidate, Sociology), has been awarded the Graduate Student Paper Award from the American Sociological Association’s Body and Embodiment Section for her article, “Reconstructing Race and Gender in American Cosmetic Surgery.”

Kellie Owens (PhD 2017, Sociology) has accepted a multi-year postdoctoral fellowship in Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania and received the Nicholas C. Mullins Award from the Society for Social Studies of Science for her article: “Too Much of a Good Thing? American Childbirth, Intentional Ignorance, and the Boundaries of Responsible Knowledge,” Science, Technology, and Human Values (March 20, 2017).

Stefan Volger, (PhD 2018, Sociology), who has accepted a Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of California-Irvine for next fall!

Guangshou Yang, (PhD candidate, History), who has been awarded a Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Program in China Studies Predissertation-Summer Travel Grant for his research on his dissertation dealing with animal protectionism in Republican China!

Alka Menon, (PhD 2018, Sociology and former doctoral colloquium co-coordinator) has accepted a job as assistant professor of sociology at Yale University!

Savina Balasubramanian, (PhD 2018, Sociology and co-chair of last year’s Buffett-STS grad student conference) has accepted a job as assistant professor of sociology at Loyola University (Chicago)!


Congratulations to Faculty Affiliates

September 20, 2017

James Schwoch (Professor, School of Communications and SHC director of undergraduate studies) has an exciting new book out next month, Wired Into Nature: the Telegraph and the North American Frontier (University of Illinois Press, 2018).

Adia Benton, assistant professor in Anthropology, has received the 2017 Rachel Carson Prize from the Society for the Social Studies of Science for her book, HIV Exceptionalism: Development Through Disease in Sierra Leone (University of Minnesota Press, 2015).

Pablo Boczkowski, Professor of Communication Studies, has co-edited, with C.W. Anderson, Remaking the News: Essays on the Future of Journalism Scholarship in the Digital Age (MIT Press, 2017). And has a timely co-edited book on Trump and the Media just out with MIT press (March, 2018). 

Anto Mohsin (Assistant Professor, NU-Qatar) has three new articles out: “Lighting ‘Paradise’: A Sociopolitical History of Electrification in Bali,” East Asian Science, Technology, and Society v. 11 (2017), pp. 9-34.

And two shorter pieces for Arcadia and SHOT’s Technology Stories: 

Mohsin, “The Sidoarjo Mudflow and the Muddiness of an Environmental Disaster”

Mohsin, “National Electricity Day: From ‘Electricity-Minded’ Nation to ‘My Idea for PLN"

Daniel Immerwahr has been granted tenure in the History Department and won an Andrew Carnegie Fellowship for 2017-18 to work on his new book, How to Hide an Empire.

Mark Sheldon (Philosophy and Dean’s Office) has a co-authored article on “Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement in Pediatrics,” appearing in the April issue of Current Opinion in Pediatrics, which reviews and evaluates recent ways in which pediatricians are under increasing pressure to prescribe cognitive enhancement drugs for children. 

Noelle Sullivan (Assistant Professor, Anthropology) published an op-ed on the potential harms of global volunteering, including "medical voluntourism," on Huffington Post.

Congratulations to Post-Docs

September 14, 2017

Mariana Craciun (SHC and NSF, 2013-2017) has recently accepted a tenure-track job in the Sociology Department at Tulane University.

Stefanie Graeter (SHC postdoc, 2015-17) has accepted a multi-year lectureship at the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Chicago with an affiliation to the Anthropology Department.

Fred Meiton (SHC postdoc, 2015-17), has accepted a tenure-track appointment in global history at the University of New Hampshire.

Daniel Stolz, SHC postdoc and visiting assistant professor in History, who has accepted a tenure track job as Kemel H. Karpat Assistant Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, starting next fall!

Hi’ilei Hobart, Kaplan-SHC Humanities postdoc, who has accepted a postdoctoral research scholarship in Native and Indigenous Studies at the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race at Columbia University starting in the fall! 

Mitali Thakor, SPAN postdoc and honorary SHC affiliate, who has accepted a tenure track job in the Science and Society Program at Wesleyan University in the fall!

Congratulations to Undergrad Affiliates

September 13, 2017

Rui Zhou (SHC advisory board rep, 2016-17) has been accepted to UCLA where he will undertake a PhD in political theory.

Congratulations to Cluster Fellows

September 6, 2017

Chelsea Frazier, (PhD candidate, African American Studies Department), who was selected to receive one of Northwestern's five Presidential Fellowships for 2018 to complete her dissertation on black women’s contributions to ecocriticism and ecoethics across the African diaspora!

Rachel Wallner, (PhD candidate, History), who has been awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to China to undertake her dissertation research on the history of geography and geopolitics in the South China Sea!

Colin Bos, (PhD candidate, History), who was selected to take part in the SSRC dissertation proposal development summer research program as he begins his fieldwork on the history of therapeutics and Ifà divination in Nigeria!