The doctoral colloquium is a student-run colloquium that enables graduate students to try out grant proposals, present dissertation chapters, give practice job talks, discuss issues of professional development, and hear visiting speakers. The colloquium usually meets on Mondays at 4:30-6:00pm in the Hagstrum Room (University Hall 201) on those Mondays when there is no scheduled Klopsteg lecture.Alka Menon (sociology) and Jamie Morse (sociology) coordinated meetings and events for 2016-17.
FALL 2016
October 3
Welcome, meet and greet, planning session for the year
October 10
Klopsteg launch
MICHAEL GORDIN: History, Princeton University
“Scientific Babel: The Languages of Science Before and After Global English”
Sunday, October 16
SHC Fall Quarter Welcome Reception
5:00 - 8:00PM
Jean Gimbel Lane Reception Room
Ryan Center for the Musical Arts
70 Arts Circle Dive, Evanston, IL 60208
October 24
Doctoral Colloquium
Feedback on student work in progress
November 21
Reading Group
The readings are:
1. Prasad, Amit. 2014. "Entangled Histories and Imaginative Geographies of Technoscientific Innovations." Science as Culture 23(3): 432-439.
This is a short essay by an STS scholar in which, as Jaimie puts it, he summarizes the main storyline of the book in direct relation to why we need to challenge our "imaginative geography" and its inherent Orientalism with respect to technoscientific discovery/innovation. He also introduces the notion of "entanglement," which we plan to take up alongside with the concept of "assemblages" in our reading group next quarter.
2. Marston, S. A., Jones, J. P., III, & Woodward, K. 2005. Human geography without scale, 30(4), 416–432.
On the problem of scale in geography this essay gives an overview of where different geographers stand on this question and includes a provocation to abandon scale as we conventionally think of it. The attachment includes responses to this article.
3. Tilley, Helen 2010. Global Histories, Vernacular Science, and African Genealogies; Or, Is The History of Science Ready for the Rest of the World? 101(1): 110-119.
An essay by our own Helen Tilley on how science and research took up "indigenous" or "primitive" knowledge, looking at the forces behind this move and its consequences for our understanding of the history of science.
4. Harrison, Mark, 2015. "A Global Perspective: Reframing the History of Health, Medicine, and Disease." Bulletin of the History of Medicine. 89(4):639-689.
Written by a scholar who gave the Klopsteg Lecture last week, this essay squarely addresses a "global" perspective on the history of medicine. We urge you to consider not only the examples he gives but also what is absent in this analysis, thinking about the backdrop in noting what he ultimately foregrounds.
January 23
Doctoral Collquium
We will be commenting on a work-in-progress by Savina Balasubramanian, please read the paper and arrive prepared to offer feedback.
For the second half of the session, we will have a roundtable on how people have approached long-term writing projects, drawing on the experience of our postdocs and faculty. Please review the document that Professor Ken Alder has graciously shared with us for purposes of discussion. It includes assembled summaries and outlines from his dissertation, subsequent book proposal, and actual book. Come with your own questions to ask Ken and our postdocs, Fred Meiton and Stefanie Graeter.
February 13
Doctoral colloquium
We will convene for our second meeting of the quarter at 4pm in the Hagstrum Room of University Hall for a double header. In our usual 4-5:30pm slot, we will offer feedback on works-in-progress from Omri Tubi and Mallory Fallin, both of the sociology department. They have provided reading notes. Then from 5:30-6:15pm, SHC postdoc Fred Meiton of History will give a practice job talk in the same room. The working title of the book that the talk will be based on is Electrical Palestine: Jewish and Arab Technopolitics Under British Rule. Please come support our colloquium members!
March 6
Reading Group
To guide our discussion of the concepts of assemblages and entanglements vis a vis the notion of the global, we will be reading the following selections - some of these are quite short, and some of these are the endnotes to the chapters.
1. Muller, Martin. 2015. "Assemblages and Actor-networks: Rethinking Socio-Material Power, Politics, and Space." Geography Compass 9(1):27-32. (Read only the first five pages of this one, until the section beginning "Empirical Clusters.") The beginning of this article nicely lays out the genealogies of assemblages and actor-networks, and then it revisits ground we trod in our last reading session.
2. Michelle Murphy. 2006. Sick Building Syndrome and the Problem of Uncertainty: Environmental Politics, Technoscience, and Women Workers. Durham: Duke University Press, p.1-18 (introduction) (intro notes). This selection fleshes out one example/case of an assemblage.
3. Collier and Ong, 2005. "Global Assemblages, Anthropological Problems." Introduction to their edited volume Global Assemblages Technology, Politics and Ethics as Anthropological Problems. (12 pages, introduces some concrete examples of global assemblages)
4. Collier, Stephen. 2006. "Global Assemblages" in Theory, Culture, and Society. This is exceedingly short but a slightly clearer definition of assemblage.
5. Nading, Alex. 2014. Mosquito Trails: Ecology, Health and the Politics of Entanglement. Berkeley: University of California Press. "Introduction: Dengue in the Landscape." (into notes) This is an anthropological take on entanglement that is a relatively easy read.
6. Paper draft from Elizabeth Roberts. "What Gets Inside: Violent Entanglements and Toxic Boundaries in Mexico." This paper covers some of the same ground as Roberts's Klopsteg lecture, but we thought we'd incorporate it and ask more of how entanglement could be used here.
Looking forward to ascertaining once and for all what these concepts are and how we can use them. Hope to see you there!
May 22
Doctoral colloquium
- Pollock, Anne and Banu Subramaniam. 2016. "Resisting Power, Retooling Justice: Promises of Feminist Postcolonial Technosciences." Science, Technology & Human Values 41(6): 951-966.
- Smith, Lindsay Adams. 2016. "Identifying Democracy: Citizenship, DNA, and Identity in Postdictatorship Argentina." Science, Technology & Human Values 41(6):1037-1062.
- Seth, Suman. 2017. "Colonial History and Postcolonial Science Studies." Radical History Review. 127:63-84.
- Harding, Sandra. 2011. "Beyond Postcolonial Theory: Two Undertheorized Perspectives on Science and Technology." The Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies Reader. Edited by Sandra Harding. Durham: Duke University Press, 1-31
special event
Thanks to the generous support of the Buffett Institute for Global Studies
March 30-31, 2017 | Graduate Student Conference
::keynote speaker
SHEILA JASANOFF harvard kennedy school
special event
Funded by the Buffett Institute for Global Studies in support of its Global Medical Cultures and Law Research Group
May 5-7, 2017 | Faculty Conference
::keynote dialogue
MADHAVI SUNDER law, university of california davis
CHIDI OGUAMANAM law, university of Ottawa
::panelists (with pre-circulated papers)
ROSEMARY COOMBE law, communication and culture, york university
KAUSHIK SUNDER RAJAN anthropology, university of chicago
BRIDIE ANDREWS history, bentley university
MARÍA CARRANZA inciensa, university of costa rica
PAUL JOHNSON history, university of michigan
STACEY LANGWICK anthropology, cornell university
PROJIT MUKHARJI history and sociology of science, university of pennsylvania
STEVEN PALMER history, university of windsor
SIRI SUH gender, women, and sexuality studies, university of minnesota