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2013-2014 Doctoral Colloquia

The doctoral colloquium is a student-run colloquium that enables graduate students to try out grant proposals, present dissertation chapters, give practice job talks, discuss issues of professional development, and hear visiting speakers. The colloquium usually meets on Mondays at 4:00-5:30pm in the Hagstrum Room (University Hall 201) on those Mondays when there is no scheduled Klopsteg lecture.

Adam Plaiss (History) coordinated meetings and events for 2013-14.

FALL 2013

September 30
We will discuss our plans for this upcoming year in regards to colloquium events, and we will also discuss the following article, available through JSTOR:

Peter Dear and Shelia Jasanoff, “Dismantling Boundaries in Science and Technology Studies.” Isis 101, no. 4 (December 2010): 759-774.

October 7
We'll hear a practice presentation and also have our fall reading group about the following articles:

Sheila Jasanoff, "Biotechnology and Empire," Osiris 21, no. 1. (2006): 273-292

Gil Eyal, "For a Sociology of Expertise: The Social Origins of the Autism Epidemic," American Journal of Sociology 118, no. 4 (Jan. 2013): 863-907.

October 14, 12:00pm, Humanities Seminar Room, Kresge 2-370

Sheila Jasanoff lunch with graduate students

November 18
Linda Layne, program officer for the Science, Technology, and Society program at the NSF, will offer her tips on how to submit a successful application for dissertation and postdoctoral funding.


February 3
We will discuss the following articles:

Michelle M. Wright, “Finding a Place in Cyberspace: Black Women, Technology, and Identity,” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 26, no. 1 (2005): 48-59.

Fa-ti Fan, “Science in Cultural Borderlands: Methodological Reflections on the Study of Science, European Imperialism, and Cultural Encounter,” East Asian Science, Technology and Society (EASTS) 1, no. 2 (2007): 213-231.

February 24
Feedback on student work in progress.


April 7 [rescheduled from January 6]
Karen Darling from Univ. of Chicago Press will be speaking with us about the publication process.

May 19
Split workshop/article reading session

Feedback on student work in progress and we will discuss the following article:
Jeremy A. Greene, “What’s in a Name? Generics and the Persistence of the Pharmaceutical Brand in American Medicine,” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Volume 66, no 4, October 2011 (468-506).

June 2
Reading group

Latour, Bruno. 1993. We Have Never Been Modern. Harvard University Press