The doctoral colloquium is a student-run colloquium that enables graduate students to try out grant proposals, present dissertation chapters, give practice job talks, discuss issues of professional development, and hear visiting speakers. Unless otherwise noted, the colloquium meets on Mondays at 4:30-6:00pm in the Hagstrum Room (University Hall 201) when there isn't a scheduled Klopsteg lecture.The 2018-19 Colloquium Coordinators are Mallory Fallin and Katya Maslakowski.
Students who would like to be added to the colloquium mailing list should contact Janet Hundrieser, the Science in Human Culture Program Administrator.
2018 - 2019
Fall Quarter
October 1
Welcome, meet and greet, and planning session for the year.
Discuss The Work of Economics by Timothy Mitchell
October 22
November 26
Winter Quarter
February 4
Please note that the Feb 4th colloquium will meet at The Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities, Kresge 2350.
March 11
Spring Quarter
April 29
May 13