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Winter 2020 Class Schedule

Anthro 315-0Medical AnthropologySeligmanT/TH  12:30-1:50
Anthro 390-0Anthropology of Money MiyazakiT/TH  12:30-1:50
Anthro 390-0-22Archaeology of Food and DrinkLoganT/TH  12:30-1:50
Anthro 390-0-24Fire and Blood: Resources, Energy, and Society OguzMW  2:00-3:20
Art Hist 390-0Early Modern Art: Materiality and ExperienceSwanMW  9:30-10:50
Asian Am 376-0Techno-Orientalism HuangMW  12:30-1:50
Comm St 394-0-22Science Communication: A Compassionate Scientist'sMaktoufiMW   9:30-10:50
Comp Lit 302-0-20Tales of Oil and WaterWolff T/TH  2:00-3:20
Earth 390-0-06Natural Hazards Policy SteinT/TH  12:30-1:50
Econ 307-0-20Economics of Medical CareLimbrock T/TH  2:00-3:20
Econ 324-0-20Western Economic History MokyrT/TH  2:00-3:20
Envr Pol 340-0-1Global Environments and World History TilleyTuTh  2:00-3:20pm Online
Envr Pol 390-0-21International Environmental Law and PolicyTBD T/TH  11:00-12:20
Envr Pol 390-0-22Climate Change Law and Policy TBDT/TH  2:00-3:20
Envr Pol 390-0-23Maple Syrup and Climate ChangeSuzukovichF  2:00-4:50
Gbl Hlth 301-0-20Introduction to International Public HealthLockeT/TH  11:00-12:20
Gbl Hlth 302Global Bioethics RodriguezT/TH  12:30-1:50
Gbl Hlth 307-0-1International Perspectives on Mental HealthCannaTh  2:00-4:50
Gbl Health 322The Social Determinants of HealthLockeMW  2:00-3:20
Gbl Hlth 325-0-1History of Reproductive HealthRodriguezT/TH   2:00-3:20
Gbl Hlth 390-0-20Native American Health Research and PreventionReyesT/TH  12:30-1:50
Gndr St 332-0-20Reproductive Health/Politics/JusticePartridge T/TH  11:00-12:20
Gndr St 374-0Imagining the Internet: Fiction, Film, Theory EnteenMW  12:30-1:50
Hist 200-0-22History of Theory and InformationImmerwahr, ShawMW   2:00-3:20
Hist 309-0-20American Environmental HistoryWoodhouseMW  12:30-1:50
Hist 322-2-20Development of the Modern American City: 1880-PresentBinfordMWF  9:00-9:50
Hist 392-0The History of Predicting the FutureCarsonT/TH  2:00-3:20
Hist 200-0-20Black DeathElliottMW  11:00-12:20
Jour 383-0-20Health and Science ReportingWolterW  9:00-11:50
Latino 392-0Latinx Resistance to Environmental RacismLopezM  5:00-7:50
Phil 326Philosophy of MedicineHorneMW  3:30-4:50
Phil 326-0-20The Authority of Science GoldbergMW  9:30-10:50
Soc 355-0Medical Sociology PapeT/TH  9:30-10:50
Soc 392-0-20Food and ImmigrationWileyMW   3:30-4:50